PowerShell load .Net Assembly
One common technique is loading .Net assemblies in PowerShell script or module to leverage functionalities otherwise not available natively in PowerShell.
A good example of this is in my PowerScp module which is distributed together with the WinSCPnet.dll assembly which makes required classes and methods available from within the PowerShell session.
What is a .Net Assembly and why use them
Before proceeding let’s formally define of what an assembly is and why we want to use them in our scripts, straight from MSDN an assembly is
…(a) collection of types and resources that are built to work together and form a logical unit of functionality. Assemblies take the form of executable (.exe) or dynamic link library (.dll) files, and are the building blocks of .NET applications. They provide the common language runtime with the information it needs to be aware of type implementations…
If you want to read more about this the full article quoted above is available here.
There are multiple methods we can use to add assemblies to PowerShell which we’re going to explore in the post.
Method 1 - Add assembly with Add-Type cmdlet
Building on the WinSCPnet.dll example let’s how we can import in our PowerShell code make use of the new types and methods made available by it.
Aim of my PowerScp module is creating a wrapper around to the fantastic WinSCP GUI package to be used within PowerShell, to make this possible I leveraged the WinSCP assembly made available via compiled DLL file so to make available functions and objects that are not native to the .Net Framework and PowerShell.
Exploring this by example in the below snippet, taken from the New-ScpSession cmdlet, I’m creating a new object of WinSCP.Session type but without importing the required assemblies PowerShell will throw the following exception:
# This will fail
[WinSCP.Session]$scpSessionObject = New-Object -TypeName 'WinSCP.Session'
New-Object : Cannot find type [WinSCP.Session]: verify that the assembly containing this type is loaded.
At line:1 char:1
+ New-Object -TypeName 'WinSCP.Session'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidType: (:) [New-Object], PSArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypeNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewObjectCommand
Error message is rather clear but the important bit is
Cannot find type [WinSCP.Session]: verify that the assembly containing this type is loaded.
As expected PowerShell is complaining as it cannot find a definition for the WinsSCP.Session object this is where adding assemblies to out scripts come into play.
# Define Assembly path
[string]$assemblyPath = 'C:\Assemblies\WinSCPnet.dll'
# Add assembly DLL
Add-Type -Path $assemblyPath
The above will return no output and import into the PowerShell session all classes and methods associated with the DLL.
# Define Assembly path
[string]$assemblyPath = 'C:\Assemblies\WinSCPnet.dll'
# Add assembly DLL
Add-Type -Path $assemblyPath
# Create new object
[WinSCP.Session]$scpSessionObject = New-Object -TypeName 'WinSCP.Session'
# Get object type and members
$scpSessionObject | Get-Member
TypeName: WinSCP.Session # Note new not native type
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Failed Event WinSCP.FailedEventHandler Failed(System.Object, WinSCP.FailedEventArgs)
FileTransferProgress Event WinSCP.FileTransferProgressEventHandler FileTransferProgress(System.Object,...
FileTransferred Event WinSCP.FileTransferredEventHandler FileTransferred(System.Object, WinSCP.Tr...
OutputDataReceived Event WinSCP.OutputDataReceivedEventHandler OutputDataReceived(System.Object, Win...
QueryReceived Event WinSCP.QueryReceivedEventHandler QueryReceived(System.Object, WinSCP.QueryR...
Abort Method void Abort()
AddRawConfiguration Method void AddRawConfiguration(string setting, string value)
CalculateFileChecksum Method byte[] CalculateFileChecksum(string algorithm, string path)
Close Method void Close()
TranslateRemotePathToLocal Method string TranslateRemotePathToLocal(string remotePath, string remoteRoot, str...
AdditionalExecutableArguments Property string AdditionalExecutableArguments {get;set;}
DebugLogLevel Property int DebugLogLevel {get;set;}
DebugLogPath Property string DebugLogPath {get;set;}
DefaultConfiguration Property bool DefaultConfiguration {get;set;}
DisableVersionCheck Property bool DisableVersionCheck {get;set;}
ExecutablePath Property string ExecutablePath {get;set;}
ExecutableProcessPassword Property securestring ExecutableProcessPassword {get;set;}
ExecutableProcessUserName Property string ExecutableProcessUserName {get;set;}
Note: Above output is snipped for brevity as the assembly supports a lot of methods and properties
Method 2 - Add assembly with Reflection Assembly
This is a legacy method that was replaced by the Add-Type cmdlet in Version 2.0 of PowerShell but still works in current versions syntax is slightly more complex but will get the job done
# Define Assembly path
[string]$assemblyPath = 'C:\Assemblies\WinSCPnet.dll'
# Load assembly and suppress output
In the previous example casting void will suppress output which is, by default, printed by the command which would look similar to the this
GAC Version Location
--- ------- --------
False v4.0.30319 C:\Assemblies\WinSCPnet.dll
Method 3 - Add assembly via a string object
The methods I have illustrated to this point have similar functionality and will work equally well but both have a drawback they will put a lock on the DLL file they’re using, this means if you need to cleanup the environment, rename, delete or move the file you will not be able to do so as PowerShell will be blocking the file itself. Generally this is not an issue but when you’re developing a solution and need to cleanup the environment rather frequently I can assure it is.
Solution to the above problem is using a string in place of the binary DLL file itself which will give us two distinct advantages fist no lock will be placed on the assembly file, second there is no need for the DLL file to be present on the system where the script or module is running making distribution and portability even easier. Let’s explore how this works.
Step 1 - Get Base64 encoded string
The first step in converting the binary DLL to string is getting Base64 encoded string of it which is achieved with the following command:
# Define Assembly path
[string]$assemblyPath = 'C:\Assemblies\WinSCPnet.dll'
# Read all bytes from DLL
[byte]$assemblyBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($assemblyPath)
This will read and convert all bytes from the dll specified in the $assemblyPath variable if we pipe variable to the screen output will be similar to this
Once all the DLL bytes are available we can convert that to a Base64 string using the Convert.ToBase64String Method
[string]$assekblyString = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($assemblyBytes)
Again piping the variable to the console will produce an output similar to the following
Spoiler Alert: Resulting string will be really long.
Step 2 - Embed assembly string in script
Once we have converted the string to distribute required assemblies all we need to do is making the string available in the code but as that will be Base64 encoded we first need to convert it back with the Convert.FromBase64String Method
# Define asembly string
[string]$assekblyString = 'TVqQAAMAAAAEAAAA//8AALgAAAAAAAAAQAAA...'
# Convert string to bytes
[byte]$assemblyBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($assekblyString)
# Import assembly
Note how assembly can only be imported via the System Reflection Assembly method and not the Add-Type one but apart from this functionality in the script will not be impacted and dependency on the binary DLL being available on the system will be removed.
Pro Tip: Keep in mind this method while having advantages comes at the cost of making the script file larger due the overhead of having the full DLL string embedded in the code and will suffer from a slight performance hit due to all the conversion between types. I don’t have enough data to confirm the penalty hit but will carry on some tests.