Check function parameters with PSBoundParameters
PSBoundParameters Automatic variable
Automatic variable PSBoundParameters is a special hashtable containing all parameters that are passed to a script or a function.
PSBoundParameters can be used to call a subordinate function or cmdlet passing the same parameters. PowerShell will automatically splat the hashtable’s values instead of having to type each of the parameters individually.
Get function parameters - The bad way
Let’s start defining a dummy function that we will use throughout the article.
# Wish it was so easy :-)
function Start-WorldFix
Write-Host -Message 'Fixing the world - Please wait...'
Despite the name the above function will do absolutely nothing but we specified two parameters that can optionally be used together with the function.
How do I know which, if any, parameters have been used? you are maybe wondering.
A lot of time, and yes I did this a lot as well, this is what’s in the code:
if ($Verbose)
Write-Verbose -Message 'You used the -Verbose paraemter'
While this will work, as the title implies, there are better alternatives.
Get function parameters - PSBoundParameters the good way
PSBoundParameters being an hashtable allows us a lot of flexibility in checking if a parameter has been specified.
# Method 1
switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys)
Write-Verbose -Message 'You used the -Verbose paraemter'
Write-Host -Message 'You used the -IssueName parameter'
# Method 2
if ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'])
# Take action
# Method 3
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose'))
# Take action
Personally I’m fan, abuser would maybe more appropriate, of method 1 as it makes easy for me to dynamically build commands but any other of the illustrate examples will equally do.
Remember $PSBoundParameters is an hashtable and we can use this to our advantage like
This is specifically handy when calling sub functions or want to alter the flow of the function code.
PSBoundParameters - Print parameters
If all we want to accomplish is printing which parameter have been specified for a function this is easily accomplished with
foreach ($boundParam in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator())
'Key={0} Value={1}' -f $boundParam.Key, $boundParam.Value
Or even simply: